I remember visiting the Science Centre quite awhile ago and stopping at their Garbage Exhibit to learn that, after forty years, if our dumps are excavated, all that garbage will still be intact because it has been sitting in an airtight environment. To prove their point they had samples of things that were collected at an excavation. There was blue jeans, food scraps, broken jars and things, but the item that stood out the most for me were the newspapers, still all in one piece and legible.
To think of all the history in those newspapers, all the hard work of the researchers, writers, editors, printers, distributors, etc., etc,. All this work and activity that goes into publishing newspapers which all go to the dump but one day may be excavated and will intrigue and inspire a new generation.
NOT ANYMORE! As we all know, ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE RECYCLES THEIR NEWSPAPERS. To think of all the history in those newspapers, all the hard work of the researchers, writers, editors, printers, distributors, etc., etc, now ends up in the recycling bins to be turned into mulch and paper fiber, never to be excavated or seen again by human eyes.
To think of all the history in those newspapers, all the hard work of the researchers, writers, editors, printers, distributors, etc., etc,. All this work and activity that goes into publishing newspapers which all go to the dump but one day may be excavated and will intrigue and inspire a new generation.
NOT ANYMORE! As we all know, ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE RECYCLES THEIR NEWSPAPERS. To think of all the history in those newspapers, all the hard work of the researchers, writers, editors, printers, distributors, etc., etc, now ends up in the recycling bins to be turned into mulch and paper fiber, never to be excavated or seen again by human eyes.

People once did this kind of stuff. They saved noteworthy material. I wonder if it will keep me living in the past? I've been told if I want to compete in today's society I must "Stay Current!" So I read the paper to "Stay Current" but I think I'll save some of those gems and those pearls of wisdom. I'll just tape them into one of those plain, old scrapbooks.
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